近日,小编在浏览厦大会计发展研究中心公众号时,发现会计学系/会计发展研究中心2017级博士研究生许欣为第一作者,与该系熊枫副教授与、澳大利亚蒙纳什大学安哲副教授合作撰写的论文“Using Machine Learning to Predict Corporate Fraud: Evidence Based on the GONE Framework”在 Journal of Business Ethics 上正式在线刊出。
附:FT 50期刊列表
FT 50即英国《金融时报》金融时报评定的50本商学院顶级期刊之一(Financial Times 50 Journals,简称FT50)。广泛用于评估学院的研究能力,在国际上具有极高的认可度。
1. Academy of Management Journal
2. Academy of Management Review
3. Accounting, Organizations and Society
4. Administrative Science Quarterly
5. American Economic Review
6. Contemporary Accounting Research
7. Econometrica
8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
9. Harvard Business Review
10. Human Relations*
11. Human Resource Management
12. Information Systems Research
13. Journal of Accounting and Economics
14. Journal of Accounting Research
15. Journal of Applied Psychology
16. Journal of Business Ethics
17. Journal of Business Venturing
18. Journal of Consumer Psychology
19. Journal of Consumer Research
20. Journal of Finance
21. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
22. Journal of Financial Economics
23. Journal of International Business Studies
24. Journal of Management*
25. Journal of Management Information Systems*
26. Journal of Management Studies
27. Journal of Marketing
28. Journal of Marketing Research
29. Journal of Operations Management
30. Journal of Political Economy
31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science*
32. Management Science
33. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management*
34. Marketing Science
35. MIS Quarterly
36. Operations Research
37. Organization Science
38. Organization Studies
39. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
40. Production and Operations Management
41. Quarterly Journal of Economics
42. Research Policy*
43. Review of Accounting Studies
44. Review of Economic Studies*
45. Review of Finance*
46. Review of Financial Studies
47. Sloan Management Review
48. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal*
49. Strategic Management Journal
50. The Accounting Review